Mienology by DR Vincent Wong and Sinitta
I am always being asked the secrets to my skin care and at last can tell you all and share my products.
Working with my dear friend Vincent, we have created the skin care range using all of the ingredients I have used for years combined into an easy to use, step-by-step, skin care range.
Beautifully packaged and made with love, ladies and gentleman, I introduce you to Menology! (Meaning the science of yourself)
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Dr. Vincent Wong is an award-winning, Save Face accredited, advanced medical aesthetics doctor who specialises in non-surgical cosmetic treatments. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Medicine (First Class Honours) from the University of St. Andrews, and a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Aberdeen. He is a member of the European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery and he is part of the editorial board for Aesthetic Medicine magazine. In 2013/4, he was also a member of the Advisory Panel for Safety in Beauty, a campaign to raise standards across the beauty industry.
Committed to the highest standards of aesthetics treatment, Dr. Vincent runs regular training courses and workshops for healthcare professionals, and mentors junior colleagues. He also presents his work and research at national and international conferences, including FACE (Facial Aesthetic Conference and Exhibition), and those hosted by the British Association of Plastics, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeons (BAPRAS), and the British Association of Dermatology (BAD).